Catching up with Bert Meeuwsen: When staying at home leads to getting a new home

My wife’s support has been crucial during these strange times

Bert Meeuwsen is a lecturer as well as advisor to the executive board of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. Apart from keeping up with his tasks as a Wittenborg staff member and his private executive coaching, he has also undertaken the task of renovating the new home that he and his wife recently purchased.


Over MBC

Creating triangular awareness by 'thinking', 'feeling' and 'being inspired', towards: 'wanting' and 'doing'. AKA: ‘MORe3.1.2’. >40 years cross cultural international experience, in a diversity of sectors: profit, non-profit, higher education, applied research, youth work, cure & care, as well as development aid, and military marketing/Information Operations (INFO OPS). Literally worked across borders. All part of actual lecturing and advisory practice —> Certified coach | Register Trust counselor (Registervertrouwenspersoon) | Certified education enabler | eChanger