Founding Fellow | Member Advisory Board – “Vision 20/20 Program and Network”

When you get your eyes examined, the best possible score is referred to as “20/20″…

Yet, even with a vision of ’20/20′, do we always recognize and use what we have seen and can see? Quite a number of lessons we’ve earned from past conflicts, disasters and crises are not being used but have been discarded or are collecting dust somewhere.

How come our vision is not 20/20? There are also lessons we’ve yet to learn: crises and threats that are coming at us from the future. How can we ensure we look with a vision 20/20 to see what’s coming our way? With a vision of ’20/20′ we can also see how we move from a Risk-based approach to a Resilience-based approach.

20/20 Vision – Program (2020-2025)
As stated by the founders, Eelco Dykstra (NLD), Creator of the Nine Universal Roadblocks (NUR) Model and his counterpart Ramy El-Khoury (LIB): “The purpose of this international and transdisciplinary program is to collect and review lessons (to be) learned from engineering and emergency management on how (not) to strengthen resilience of essential services and critical infrastructure before, during and after major crises or conflict.”

Interested? Want to know more? Participate? Enter Focused Feedback? Want to be 20/20 Vision – Fellow, together with other Fellows?

Contact: or contact me.

Over MBC

Creating triangular awareness by 'thinking', 'feeling' and 'being inspired', towards: 'wanting' and 'doing'. AKA: ‘MORe3.1.2’. >40 years cross cultural international experience, in a diversity of sectors: profit, non-profit, higher education, applied research, youth work, cure & care, as well as development aid, and military marketing/Information Operations (INFO OPS). Literally worked across borders. All part of actual lecturing and advisory practice —> Certified coach | Register Trust counselor (Registervertrouwenspersoon) | Certified education enabler | eChanger